International Women’s Day: An Interview With The Wonderful Women at Powells

International Women’s Day: An Interview With The Wonderful Women at Powells

International Womens day is a day that commemorates the great achievements made by women from all over the world, breaking the bias to work towards a world that is equal, inclusive, and free from bias and discrimination.

On this momentous day we would like to focus on three wonderful women at Powells Jewellery - they lead, manage and are essential to the daily happenings within the business. We get to know them a little more and celebrate their achievements as we ask them six simple questions.

Michaela – Sales Consultant

1. What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

For me IWD means achievement, recognition and honour. To showcase what women of today can and have achieved. To obtain the well deserved recognition and to have pride and be honoured to be part of this formidable team.

2. Is there one cause you truly care about?

Mental Health Awareness and the Fight Against Dementia are two causes both very close to my heart.

3. What is your biggest achievement in life so far?

Finding a work/home balance. This has taken many years but I now I have a job I love and plenty of time with my husband and new puppy to truly enjoy life.

4. What did you dream of being as a little girl?

I dreamt of becoming a hairdresser, which I did for a short time however I discovered my talents were better matched within the world of jewellery.

5. What is your current goal, no matter how big or small?

My current goal is to complete renovations on my house. My husband and I have taken on this huge task and I look forward to seeing the end rebuilt and moving onto the next project.

6. Which female figure do you admire the most?

My mum who is sadly no longer with me. She was the strongest, most charismatic woman I have known. She gave me strength, support and guidance. She lives on with me everyday in my thoughts and through my actions.

Brenda: Marketing Executive

1. What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

To me it’s celebrating the women who inspire us. Whether it’s those in history or somebody we know personally. I think it's important to celebrate the woman that have made an impact in our lives or have made a difference for woman's rights and reflect on how far we have come. 

2. Is there one cause you truly care about?

The WWF. Our planet is so precious and the home to not only us but to an inconceivable number of animals and species. I think it's important to preserve the beauty of our planet for not only us but for future generations. 

3. What is your biggest achievement in life so far?

I first came to the UK at the age of 17 as an international student where I studied for 6 months before returning home to Utah. When I was 22, I made the decision to come back to England and finish my bachelor's degree at Chester University. At this time in my life, I felt like I needed a fresh start, and the UK was always a place that brought me so much happiness. It was a bit frightening to move to a new country away from my family in a new time zone. Fast forward 3 years and I have graduated university, moved into my first place with my boyfriend, and I have started my career path as a marketing executive. 

4. What did you dream of being as a little girl?

Growing up I wanted to own my own business, I even went to university for a business degree. Unfortunately, a year in I realized this was not what I had in mind. It was not until the last year of my degree that I was required to take a marketing course where I found my passion.

5. What is your current goal, no matter how big or small?

I would love to move my parents here with me and buy them a home in which they could retire in. 

6. Which female figure do you admire the most?

Without a doubt my mom. My mom has done so much for me and has been my biggest supporter in anything I do. Immigrating from Mexico to the U.S for a better future, my mom has been through so much in her life. Her wise words and advice have helped guide me to where I am today. 

Sophie - General Manager

1. What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

For me it is about celebrating women and being thankful for what the Suffragettes fought for and risked their lives for. Being grateful for the freedom that we have compared to women in other countries today!

2. Is there one cause you truly care about?

Hard to pick one but it would have to be Women’s Aid and Mankind, charities that help men, women and children who are victims of domestic abuse.

3. What is your biggest achievement in life so far?

I just simply say, it would be achieving the goals I have set myself, they may not be huge but to have these wins throughout life is a great achievement in my eyes.

4. What did you dream of being as a little girl?

All sorts of things, police officer, pilot, vet, or something sporty. Some of which I get to do in my spare time like sports, I’ve had a couple of flying lessons and of course looking after my own feline friend!

5. What is your current goal, no matter how big or small?

This is a sporty one, I’m working towards my next kettlebell sport competition so lots of training is underway.

6. Which female figure do you admire the most?

Apart from my amazing mum of course! It would have to be Marie Curie, she was an incredible scientist who achieved some ground-breaking things, at a time when science was a field dominated by men. She had a tough life but persevered and is still the only person to have two Nobel Prizes in different scientific categories.


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